


Rooted in the global design industry for 17 years, originating from authoritative design media, having gone through the evolution from internet traffic media to new media, constantly innovating with a pioneering spirit, it has become the global design ecosystem big data research center, providing industry chain content asset management services, and functioning as a hub for brand/major event planning and operations.



YoungBird 嫩鸟旗下两大板块及六大重要品牌

YoungBird’s Two Sectors with Six Important Brands



Global Design Industry Chain Resources Big Data Research Platform



Designverse Ranking设计宇宙榜单

Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖




Brand/Big Event Planning Operation Center


Young Bird Plan嫩鸟计划(2013-2023)十周年

Intellectual Property Center知识产权中心

WCM世界校园大师World Campus Masters










designverse, based on the website (www.designverse.com.cn), is a platform for collaborative content creation, big data research, and content asset management services. It aims to become a precise search and linking platform between development-oriented institutions and design resource-oriented institutions. Simultaneously, it offers professional and sustainable brand shaping, as well as promotional services for both types of institutions. designverse aims to provide the most comprehensive and cross-category/cross-industry design resources and content services globally, catering to professionals in the design industry and a wide range of creative enthusiasts. Its goal is to bring greater attention to the value of design, support specialized design efforts, and drive the development of originality in China's creative fields.


*设计资源类机构:包括方案设计、技术顾问、专项顾问、特色顾问、运营顾问等*Design resource agencies: including scheme design, technical consultants, professional consultants, specialized consultants, operation consultants, etc.

*开发类机构:如政府、政府开发平台、发展商、各行业品牌主、高品质私人业主等*Development agencies: such as government, government development platforms, developers, brand owners from various industries, high quality private owners, etc. 




Designverse Ranking设计宇宙榜单(2019起)

Designverse Ranking设计宇宙榜单是 designverse设计宇宙平台的重要组成,基于全球权威奖项和专业媒体等数据和算法开发而生成的逻辑体系,填补了开发机构和设计类机构的市场认知空白,通过用户共建& 大数据采集实际发生的项目、事件的内容持续不断梳理、完善、提炼、总结,让追求美好、优质的全球开发机构和设计资源类机构在此实现连接。

Designverse Ranking is an important component of the designverse platform. It is built upon a logical framework generated from global authoritative awards, professional media data, and algorithms. It fills the market awareness gap between development institutions and design-focused organizations. Through continuous content curation, refinement, extraction, and summarization of actual projects and events gathered via user collaboration and big data collection, Designverse Ranking aims to enable the connection of globally acclaimed development institutions and design resource-oriented organizations. It serves as a platform for those pursuing beauty and excellence to connect and showcase their achievements.



Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖


Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖作为YoungBird嫩鸟旗下全球设计生态大数据研究& 服务平台内核心产品,由Designverse Ranking设计宇宙榜单2019年上线不断累积数据和判断依据,在运营三年后升级进化成为Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖。

Designverse Awards, a core product under YoungBird’s Global Design Ecosystem Big Data Research and Service platform, evolved from Designverse Ranking that was launched in 2019. Over three years of operation, it continuously accumulated data and criteria, culminating in the evolution to the Designverse Awards.


Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖是一个链接设计资源类机构和开发类机构的奖项平台,为开发类机构精准锁定设计细分领域的设计资源池,同时助力设计资源类机构,通过奖项平台依托的大数据及数据监测、搜索排名、资源链接、品牌推广的独特功能,观照自身在设计行业的位置,并通过奖项平台的宣传及推广服务来夯实自身的品牌建设。

Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖旨在表彰对大设计产业链做出卓越贡献的设计机构、品牌/企业和极具影响力的大事件。

Designverse Awards aims to recognize outstanding contributions made by design agencies, brands/enterprises, and influential events in the broader design industry. This award serves as a platform that connects design resource agencies with development agencies, providing access to a pool of design resources for the latter while supporting the former. The platform offers unique features such as big data and data monitoring, search ranking, resource linking, and brand promotion. These functions enable design resource agencies to comprehensively evaluate their positions in the industry and improve their innovation and design capabilities. Additionally, utilizing the publicity and promotional services provided by this award platform can enhance these agencies' own brand building endeavors.




Young Bird Plan嫩鸟计划(2013-2023)十周年

Young Bird Plan嫩鸟计划竞赛品牌是面向全球创意和设计人才的高品质竞赛平台。


Young Bird Plan is an international competition platform for global design talents.

For the past nine years since establishment, we have propelled the implementation of design projects and products focusing on urban spaces and life aesthetics. Besides, Young Bird Plan is devoted to pushing the urban development and offering high-quality solutions to product updates. On the other hand, we make every effort to create opportunities for young designers. Young Bird Plan has great influence in the design industry.



Intellectual Property Center知识产权中心(2014年起)

2014年起正式成立,起初作为辅助Young Bird Plan「嫩鸟计划」竞赛的重要服务节点,后续不断完善专业流程及业务范围,在Young Bird Plan十周年之际独立成为YoungBird旗下重要业务板块及服务品牌。


Intellectual Property Center (since 2014)

Formally established in 2014, initially serving as an important service node to support competitions held by Young Bird Plan, the Intellectual Property Center continuously improved its professional process and business scope. On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of Young Bird Plan, it became an independent and important business sector and service brand under YoungBird.



WCM 世界校园大师的全称是“World Campus Masters 世界校园大师设计作品优选计划”, 其中包含「WCM世界校园大师优秀课程作品展」和「WCM世界校园大师课程作品年度优选」两大部分。

旨在鼓励全球青年设计学子分享并参评在校期间设计作品为宗旨,展现不同地域与文化背景下的当代设计新生力量,同时作为导师组打造课题的展示& 交流平台,推进校园的原创和设计思维与全球设计行业及产业发展进行正向的对话,将校园毕设作品及设计人才搭接到世界最具影响力的设计平台和最前沿的设计生态圈,全年逐月不间断持续发声。

World Campus Masters Selective Design Program (short for "WCM") was launched by Young Bird Plan in 2020. This annual program is committed to recognizing the fresh blood of contemporary design through evaluating course works and graduation designs from global young students and designers in different regions and cultures. It encourages original design thinking in campus to conduct a positive dialogue with global design industry, bringing young talents to the world's influential design platform and the cutting-edge design ecosystem.











designverse设计宇宙大数据研究中心、Designverse Ranking设计宇宙榜单





Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖




Young Bird Plan嫩鸟计划








Intellectual Property Center知识产权中心











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