收藏!Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖2023-2024报名通道全球开放!【完整版】
设计宇宙大数据研究中心,Release Time2023-07-19 17:04:00
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Designverse Awards, a core product under YoungBird’s Global Design Ecosystem Big Data Research and Service platform, evolved from Designverse Ranking that was launched in 2019. Over three years of operation, it continuously accumulated data and criteria, culminating in the evolution to the Designverse Awards.
Designverse Ranking is a significant component of the Designverse platform. It's built on a logical framework developed from global design awards and professional media data, utilizing algorithms to bridge the market understanding between development and design institutions. Through user collaboration and extensive data collection, it continually organizes, refines, and summarizes the content of actual projects and events. This process enables a connection for global development institutions and design resource entities pursuing excellence and quality on this platform.
02 终审评委团Final Review Judging Panel
The final review judging panel is composed of 36 industry leaders who have a specific understanding of the design industry ecosystem, accumulated experience in collaboration, and sound judgment, as well as specialized jurors with international perspectives and extensive experience leading renowned works. Together, they will collectively select the "Designverse Awards Jury Grand Prize" in various sub-categories under space, product, and brands/major events categories. From these selections, the "Designverse Awards Outstanding Prize" will be determined, including six Outstanding Prize in space category (architecture, landscape, interiors, technical consultants, professional consultants, and specialized consultants), four Outstanding Prize in product category (residential, office, social and leisure, transportation), and two Outstanding Prize for annual major events. The final jury member also has the right to recommend two participating agencies directly shortlisted for Nomination Prize and set Special Jury Single Prize.
👉👉👉点击查看Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖36位终审评委团阵容详情
Click by the link to the detailed information of final review judging panel.
评奖机制 Evaluation System
参照渗透整个行业的平台大数据的统计与分析及搜索排名,评选 “设计宇宙大奖提名奖” 和 “设计宇宙大奖特别荣誉奖”。
*The search ranking of design resources within the designverse platform is an important basis for award evaluation.
*The ranking of space category (architecture, landscape, interior) on the Designverse Ranking is an important basis for award evaluation.
*Brands / Major Events refers to the IP ranking on the designverse platform as an important basis for award evaluation.
👉👉👉点击详细了解Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖评奖机制及流程
Click by the link to learn about the awards setting, evaluation system and awards process in detail.
In different review stages, there are four level prize set for space category, product category, brands/major events category, respectively Designverse Awards Nomination Prize, Designverse Awards Special Honor Prize, Designverse Awards Jury Grand Prize and Designverse Awards Outstanding Prize.
👉👉👉点击查看Designverse Awards设计宇宙奖项设置详表
Click by the link to view the detailed list of awards setting.
A. 空间类 Space Category
点击👉空间类分类详表丨设计宇宙大奖Designverse Awards 2023-2024查看空间类完整参评类别
Click here to view the complete submission categories of Space Category.
Targeting all enterprises/brands of product category, the entry categories include residential (such as home building materials, home furniture, household appliances, etc.), office (such as office supplies, office equipment, office furniture, etc.), social and leisure (such as social space supplies, cultural space supplies, etc.), transportation (such as vehicles, boats, aviation, etc.) and their respective subcategories, a total of 24.
点击👉产品类分类详表丨设计宇宙大奖Designverse Awards 2023-2024查看产品类完整参评类别
Click here to view the complete submission categories of Product Category.
C. 品牌/大事件类 Brands/Major Events Category
点击👉品牌/大事件类分类详表丨设计宇宙大奖Designverse Awards 2023-2024查看品牌/大事件类完整参评类别
Click by the table 1 to view the complete submission categories of Brands/Major Events Category.
05 参评时间表 Awards Schedule
06 参评要求 Entry Requirements
【1】Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖面向全球开放报名。空间类设计机构、产品类设计机构/品牌、品牌/大事件类策划/运营机构均可报名。
[3] The entrant must be a legal entity or individual with primary responsibility, including but not limited to the manufacturer and distributor of goods, the owner of buildings, the supplier of software or media, and the organizer of project development and research.
07 报名方式 Registration
[Step 1] Log in to designverse platform at www.designverse.com.cn, register the homepage of agency and upload the entry.
Click by the link to view the "Submission Guide" for specific upload instructions.
[Step 3] After receiving the confirmation email of registration, we will send a payment request for the review fee by email. Participants are requested to complete the payment before February 1, 2024. If payment is not confirmed by the deadline, the entry shall be disqualified.
* 评审费包含Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖必备获奖权益,即荣获提名奖、特别荣誉奖、评审团大奖和卓越奖的参评机构可得到:获奖证书(电子版)、奖项LOGO使用权、designverse设计宇宙平台展示、获奖新闻发布、获奖年鉴(电子版)。
08 获奖权益 Awards Benefits
【1】必备获奖权益 Mandatory Benefits
Cover of Winning Project Showcasing on designverse Platform(Article Cover)
Banner of Winning Project Showcasing on designverse Platform(Outstanding Prize Only)
LOGO of Winning Agency on designverse Platform
△Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖媒体矩阵全球发布及
Global Release of Designverse Awards on Matrix Media & EDM Promotion of 1.96 Million Users in Database of designverse Big Data Researc
△Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖媒体矩阵推广展示示意
An example of gobal Release of Designverse Awards on Matrix Media
△Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖获奖年鉴(电子版)内封示意
Inside Cover Sample of Digital Yearbook
Package Model of Digital Yearbook
【2】可选获奖权益 Optional Benefits
Sample of Trophy
Certificate of Award (print)
② designverse设计宇宙平台专栏访谈
Column Interview
*“TOP TALK”顶层访谈:不谋万世者,不足谋一时;不谋全局者,不足谋一域。 顶层设计,即统筹品牌的各层次及要素;追溯根源,统揽全局;对话核心人物,寻求品牌的升级之道。(仅限C类用户)
One who does not have the whole picture in mind can not design a part. Talk to the Top, seeking for the way of brand upgrade.(Brands/Major Events’clients Only)
*点击图片链接查看专栏内容 Click by the image link to view the content of column.
△“Top Talk 顶层访谈”栏目专访案例
Example of Exclusive Interview of “Top Talk” Column
△“eyes on me夺目”栏目KOL专访案例
Example of Exclusive Interview of KOL in “eyes on me” Column
* 点击图片链接查看专栏内容 Click by the image link to view the content of column.
△“eyes on me夺目”栏目项目专访案例
Example of Exclusive Interview on Project in “eyes on me” Column
△“Super Nova超新星”栏目专访案例
Example of Exclusive Interview in “Super Nova” Column
③ 短视频案例合作
Short Video Case Co-operation
* 点击图片链接查看视频内容 Click by the image link to view the content of video.
△“Eyes on me 设计宇宙发现你”短视频案例
Example of Short Video "Eyes on me "
Customized Consulting Report
Cover of Customized Consulting Report
👉👉👉点击查看完整Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖获奖权益说明
Click by the link to view the complete statement of awards benefits.
09 知识产权声明 Intellectual Property Statement
本次Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖参评机构(包括但不限于设计机构/企业/品牌)应对其提交的作品享有完整的知识产权,并授权主办方为举办Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖的广告、公开推广目的而合理使用上述知识产权,主办方有权将参评机构的作品进行出版、线上/线下展览、以视频等多媒体形式发布在媒体平台上。所有参评机构提交的作品均为参评机构(包括但不限于设计机构/企业/品牌)原创作品,不得包含任何侵犯任意第三方知识产权的内容。如发生侵权行为或被指控侵权,将由侵权方承担一切法律后果并取消侵权方报名或获奖的资格。
The participating organizations (including but not limited to design agencies, companies and brands) in the Designverse Awards retain full intellectual property rights over their submitted works and authorize the organizer to use the aforementioned intellectual property reasonably for advertising and public promotion purposes related to the Designverse Awards. The organizer has the right to publish the works of participating organizations, conduct online/offline exhibitions, and release them in various multimedia formats, such as videos, on media platforms. All works submitted by participating organizations are original creations of the participating organizations (including but not limited to design agencies, companies and brands) and must not contain any content that infringes upon the intellectual property rights of any third party. In the event of any infringement or allegation of infringement, the infringing party will bear all legal consequences and be disqualified from participating or receiving any awards.
designverse 设计宇宙内容中心
designverse 设计宇宙匹配中心
支 持:上海社会科学院
Organizer: designverse (www.designverse.com.cn)
Award Execution:
designverse Big Data Research Center
designverse Content Center
designverse Matching Center
Academic Support:
Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
* 欢迎关注微信公众号:Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖、designverse设计宇宙,官方微博@DesignverseAwards,Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram获得奖项最新资讯。
Follow the official WeChat account "设计宇宙大奖DesignverseAwards" and "designverse设计宇宙", the official Weibo account @DesignverseAwards, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram to get the latest information about the award.
* 如有任何疑问,可以添加下方微信号或发送邮件至邮箱awards@designverse.com.cn进行咨询。
Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖所有内容的最终解释权归主办方所有。
The organizer reserves the right to interpret all the content of Designverse Awards.
品牌/大事件类-细分类别丨Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖2024-2025
空间类(概念)-细分类别丨Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖2024-2025
品牌/大事件类-细分类别丨Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖2024-2025
空间类(概念)-细分类别丨Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖2024-2025
空间类-细分类别丨Designverse Awards设计宇宙大奖2024-2025
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