
至诚馆(员工宿舍)丨株式会社 三上建筑事务所

株式会社 三上建筑事务所,Release Time2021-11-17 10:04:52

Project information


Project Name: Shiseikan


Project location: Tsuchiura-shi, Ibaraki Prefecture

建筑设计:株式会社 三上建筑事务所

Design Team: MIKAMI Architects


Completion Year: Mar.2020

建筑面积: 884.47㎡

Gross Built Area: 884.47㎡

项目摄影:新写真工房 堀内広治

Photo credits: Koji Horiuchi

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Shiseikan is a company dormitory of Sekishō Corporation. Sekishō Corporation is a leading company in Ibaraki that embodies dignity and embraces foreigners, single mothers, and people with disabilities, which makes it an appealing company. With this in mind, we have positioned the design concept of Shiseikan as Cool & Smart.

The second floor section protruding beyond the fair-faced concrete enclosure©︎MIKAMI Architects

A space for staffs to communicate and interact on the first floor©︎MIKAMI Architects


The site is on land with depth that faces the high-traffic National Route 125. On the far side of the L-shaped planar building is the men's dormitory and on the other, the women's. There is one large wheelchair-accessible room for each gender's dormitory area, and two family-type dormitories. Compared to a typical staff dormitory, Shiseikan is more reflective of the company's need to keep up with the times and to enrich the diverse staff life.

South side exterior©︎MIKAMI Architects

A break and communication space on the second floor©︎MIKAMI Architects


The first floor of the building is mainly a common space including a communication hall, While the second floor is a private space for individual dormitories. At the communication hall, there are cafeteria and rest area, which the pendant lights above the dining table and vivid chairs in the chic space create a lively atmosphere.

The dormitory corridor is unified in monotone. The doors of the rooms are alternately black and white to enhance identification. The male staff dormitory is decorated with the "hemp leaf pattern" - a nod to the hemp leaf that grows straight and strong, also a hope for the employees' great growth. The female staff dormitory is decorated with the "Arrow fletching pattern"-it's been used since ancient times as a pattern for Kimonos worn by brides-to-be, and also hoped that the woman will make a great leap forward like an arrow shot.

Each dormitory room is equipped with a WC. In addition to the staircase connecting the first and second floors, there are separate wheelchair-accessible elevators for the male and female dormitories. The company's employee-oriented attitude is reflected in the design of the building.

The second floor public corridor with aluminum horizontal blinds©︎MIKAMI Architects

Dormitory corridor with alternating black and white doors©︎MIKAMI Architects

The "Arrow fletching pattern" decoration in front of the female staff dormitory©︎MIKAMI Architects

The "hemp leaf pattern" decoration in front of the male staff dormitory©︎MIKAMI Architects


The pavement connecting the exterior to the entrance of the dormitory is inlaid with soft lighting to illuminate the porch, and the aluminum eaves above present an integrated visual effect of the dormitory. The dormitory's fair-faced concrete facade stands parallel to the street.The second floor which transgresses the wall of fair-faced concrete that runs parallel to the road catches the eye of the people in cars passing by. The entire length of the second floor appears to float and the level surface of the aluminum louver protects the privacy of residents, while emphasizes the depth.From the exterior design to the overall color application, we have implemented the Cool & Smart concept.

Aluminum eaves reflect the soft light of the floor lamp©︎MIKAMI Architects

Simple and elegant lamps and brightly colored seats©︎MIKAMI Architects

Wheelchair-accessible hallway width and full bathroom facilities©︎MIKAMI Architects

Family dormitory suite with living room and bedroom©︎MIKAMI Architects

Looking from the street to Shiseikan©︎MIKAMI Architects


A black granite plaque is affixed to the fair-faced concrete gateway entrance. The engraved characters [至誠館] (read: Shiseikan, meaning home of sincerity or devotion) are the chairman's brushstrokes in response to the company president’s wishes. This is where the company creates an atmosphere of unparalleled dignity.

Shiseikan welcomes nightfall©︎MIKAMI Architects

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